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[2] Bai, M., Shen, L., Li, Y., & Yu, C. F. J. (2024). Does legal justice promote stakeholder justice? Evidence from a judicial reform in China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 94, 103326. (ABS3)
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[11] Bai, M., Xu, L., Yu, C. F. J., & Zurbruegg, R. (2020). Superstition and stock price crash risk. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 60, 101287. (SSCI Q1)
[12] Bai, M., Wang, R., Yu, C. F. J., & Zheng, J. (2019). Limits on executive pay and stock price crash risk: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 55, 206-221. (SSCI Q1)
[1] 金融监管蓝皮书:中国金融监管报告(2020),社会科学文献出版社,专题研究:数字时代下的加密货币:风险与监管